Pesco Bill Calculator

Have you ever been confused with the PESCO bill calculation? You just calculated everything but are still not able to understand how much will be the next month’s bill. This is because the calculation is not based on the actual meter reading. We have developed a calculator which shows you the exact amount which will be in your next bill. This calculator includes all taxes i.e FC surcharge, GST, PTV FEE, INCOME TAX, E.D, FUEL PRICE adjustment, and also shows the breakdown of fixed charges and variable charges.

The PESCO bill calculator is a very simple and easy-to-use online application that can calculate the actual amount which will be in your next month’s electricity bill. This calculator shows the amount after including all taxes i.e FC surcharge, GST, PTV FEE, INCOME TAX, E.D, FUEL PRICE adjustment.

PESCO Bill Calculator 2025

PESCO Bill Calculator 2025

Enter Units:

Please enter units to calculate electricity cost.

PESCO is a database of residential consumers in Pakistan. It is established thru-out the country by the local utility companies. The database is fed by the utility companies at regular intervals. This PESCO is used by PESCO bill amount calculation software which calculates the amount due to be paid by the consumer.

This PESCO bill amount calculation software shows the actual amount which will be in the next month. It includes all taxes i.e FC surcharge, GST, PTV FEE, INCOME TAX, E.D, FUEL PRICE adjustment and etc.

When you buy a product from any store, you will get the bill for that product. But the problem is that you are paying for many other things with this bill. So how can you calculate the amount which is actually going to be in your hand? Pesco bill calculator is a tool that shows you exactly the amount which is going to be in your hand.

Look at this example:

You are buying a TV set for Rs 10,000/- and there are some taxes on it. You pay Rs 10400/- but your actual TV set cost is Rs 10,200/-. This money goes to the government as tax. But in this case, the government gives back some money as a subsidy for electricity, so they charge less amount from you. The government also charges some money for advertisements on PTV etc. So how much actually you will be getting from PESCO in your hand? Using the Pesco bill calculator you can calculate all the extra bills including FC surcharge, GST, PTV FEE, INCOME TAX, E.D, FUEL PRICE adjustment, etc.

If you are a student or pensioner then your taxes will be less and if any electricity company gives a discount on electricity then also you will get less money after paying all these taxes.

It’s a common practice to calculate the payment of all bills like PESCO, ESSO, DISCOUNT BILL, PayTM Bill, and others. But these methods are not accurate. As a result, the total amount will be more in your hand.

No matter whether you have already made the bills paid or not but you have to know the actual amount which will be in your hand after paying this bill. For this purpose, a calculator is provided by us which shows the actual amount which will be in your hand after making PESCO bill payments.

You will also get a discount on electricity and other bills by using this calculator.

*NOTE: The meter reading you enter must not exceed your previous month’s meter reading. If it does, then we will assume that you have started a new business and billing will commence from zero usage (Rs 0).

PESCO Bill Calculator shows the exact amount which will be in the next month’s PESCO bill. PESCO Bill calculator shows the amount after including all taxes i.e FC surcharge, GST, PTV FEE, INCOME TAX, E.D, FUEL PRICE adjustment.

In the pesco bill calculator, you have to enter only three values.

  • The first one is your tariff i.e 1 to 5
  • The second one is your monthly unit
  • The third one is your monthly amount

The pesco bill calculator has an option of showing the total last 12 months’ information on a monthly basis and annual basis which helps users to know the total amount paid from their end throughout the year.

Pesco Slabs and unit rates

You can calculate the slabs, unit rates, etc with the help of the following table.

Sr.NoSlabsPrice Per Unit
11-100 Units9.42
2101-200 Units11.74
3201-300 Units13.83
4301-700 Units21.23
5Above 700 Units24.33

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